Chartres or the fifth day

Every time we're in Paris there are so-called "Must-have-seens", places you should have seen. This includes among other things also the Cathedral of Chartres.


Sylvain and I had looked after in advance about, to get a guided tour, which also took us off.  I tried to win Christophe Rogez, he could but unfortunately at the time. But Sylvain had also sent a fax to Chartres and get a guide for yesterday.  So, we headed towards Chartres yesterday after a breakfast and a small break at 11: 00. The Navi first showed us the wrong way, so we – had on the way as well as on the way back once a piece back and forth motorway… but ultimately arrived. In Chartres we ate then first lunch in a restaurant near the Cathedral,


and waited then in front of the Cathedral on the leadership. After the Sylvain us present reported had, our Director of it's was the same – as two years ago.  She led us first – at the South Portal past – to the entrance of the crypt – or better crypt. Now, the beautiful crypt were allowed to visit. After that, arrived at the north portal, she told us the figures of the portal.  Sylvain and Anja Meanwhile enjoyed themselves in the shade of the Cathedral Park.  Together, we entered the Cathedral, which currently is being renovated through the main portal. The beautiful Windows were us now


displayed, and the symbolism is brought closer. Finally have we looked at even the main portal, and then ice with or without crêpe enjoyed a ball. On the return trip, we have searched an intermarché first get baguette, cheese, ham, and other goodies. After we had arrived back at our hostel, we have in Anja's room The battle
Eaten supper. Some have gone with Yoannes to the Sacre Cœr to see the Eiffel Tower. There we met two very nice young ladies from Boston and New York City, which we later met again in the search for a pub. We had a very nice view on the Eiffel Tower, which glitters in the evening on the hour! and on the orange setting moon. Very romantic!

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