After breakfast I set off relatively quickly because it was raining and I had 60km to Gjerdmundshamn ahead of me. Even rain gear didn’t help, but I wore it anyway. Shoes wet, pants wet at the bottom, shirt and T-shirt wet. At some point it doesn’t matter. But then you really just want to carry on and get to the hotel as quickly as possible. That’s why there are no pictures. I still enjoyed the beautiful landscape as much as I could.
I reached Rosendal and the hotel at around 2pm and got rid of my wet clothes, took a long, warm shower and put on new, dry clothes. At 6:30pm I had something warm to eat, after which I ate my packed lunch again in the waiting shelter at the ferry terminal.
Tomorrow we still have time until 1pm, at 2:25pm our ship leaves for Bergen and at 7:10pm I fly back to Hamburg via Copenhagen.
Not for the rain, which is typically Norwegian at this time of year, I thought about changing the English word weather to wetter. It just fitted better. But instead, an endless number of waterfalls are coming down from the mountains as if water basins were overflowing up there…