I had yesterday when discovered in the supermarket shopping a beautiful postcard with a clam heart and thought the same for Lisa. In the car, I had the idea to write the congratulations in heart shape. Thought, done. On the campsite, I had it then sign all and today during breakfast Lisa übberreicht. She was delighted.
After breakfast, we drove to Noirmoutier, a town located on a peninsula. There is a road that is built in a Ford, and is accessible only at low tide. It would have been exciting to drive there, but unfortunately we 1 hour were to late, so when we arrived just water was running up, and we take the road over the bridge mussten.wir did to go in the sea water aquarium namely, what was very interesting. Einendie fish in the aquariums do, anyway, always suffering. They need what all oceans space. On the other hand, it is also important to show the beauty of the seas to awaken AWE, our seas and the nature is as worthy of protection. Then we went – because it rained throughout the day – back and ate potato salad, which was super tasty.
Sylvain, Olli and I are then no h shop shut. I bought then the tent, with which I have flirted.