The Green blinking led the write / read activity of MicroSDKartencontrollers displays by default, trigger has in the device tree under/sys/class / leds / ACT-a file with the name. If you the with
Cat / sys/class/leds/ACT/trigger
queries – read it allowed everyone – then you get the following output:
None[mmc0] timer oneshot heartbeat backlight cpu0 gpio default-on
where the most important of which none = out mmc0 = microSD-slot GPIO(selbsterklärend) cpu0 are u default-on (on). with
-write goes only as superuser. even with simple sudo. -can I the mode switch, or they turn off the LED even, which I find very comfortable because the flicker at night bothers me.
echo >/sys/class / leds / ACT / trigger.